17Years of Experience

About Us

Market Talent collection under the management of Dr. Amin Asadollahi by implementing and supervising more than dozens of marketing research projects and marketing plans with the aim of applying scientific materials in economic enterprises, consulting based on New marketing and market research methods have been established with the use of experienced professors and experts in this field, under the supervision and membership of the European Marketing Research Association (ESOMAR) and Iran (IMRA) with the following activities and capabilities.


Market Talent Services

Market Research

By using market research, the collected information is analyzed and by analyzing the information, the market need, size and competition in the market can be determined. Market research includes both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Business Model Design

With the help of Business Model, you can determine your business system, income streams, main activities and resources, expenses, as well as methods of creating, delivering and receiving value in your business.

Marketing Plan Design

The market plan is designed to achieve the goals of the marketing strategy, the related costs and the operational steps related to it, and with the growth of the business and the change of the marketing process, the marketing plan of your business will also change over time.

360 Degree Advertising Campaigns Design

A 360-degree campaign is an integrated marketing campaign that uses all advertising tools with one goal and one advertising message to convey the message in the best way to the audience and communicate with the customer.


The hot discussion that is heard in all the business meetings and coffee shops and parking lots of different companies and anywhere else by the managers of any collection as much as you want, is very important and we should pay attention to it.

Customer Club Design

With the help of our customer club, we encourage buyers to return to the websites they have previously purchased from. For example, by offering special offers to club member customers.

Marketing is a perceptive process. To achieve marketing goals, we must always consider innovation.

Beth Comstock


A look at Dr. Amin Asadollahi's 3 Recent Books